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About using free music

You can use the music from TAGeLorix Music Square for non-commercial use only.
However, secondary distribution only music or misuse is strictly prohibited.

We don't waive the copyright.
Also, you can't claim that our music is yours.
If you want to use our music for commercial purposes, please contact us.

About using music from the album

Music on albums released by TAGeLorix are basically the same as free music.
However, for music composed or arranged by Tatsukin that are included in albums released by other than TAGeLorix, please contact the producers of the album.
Please note that we can't give permission.

About using Touhou Arrange

You can use Touhou Arrange Music in Touhou Project derivative creation guidelines.

We will not impose any restrictions, such as you can only use the music for derivative works of Touhou Project, so you can use the music in the same manner as my original songs.

About using on video contribution services like YouTube or Niconico

You can use it on video contribution services like YouTube or Niconico with or without monetization.

YouTube Partner Program and Niconico Creators Program are not considered commercial use.
However, I would appreciate it if you could include the copyright notice (Tatsukin Mysondol, Tatsukin 1192 or TAGeLorix) and the name of the song in your video (you can use it without).
Also, videos with only audio sources are considered secondary distribution, so you can't do that.

About using in video games

You can only use our music in free games.
Use in paid games and arcade games is considered commercial use.

You can use our music for fanmade charts like Taikojiro, Malody, osu!, DankagLike, etc.

About using in SmileBasic

If you want to use music with SmileBasic, please use TAGeLorix Sounds.
Please also follow the terms and conditions of
TAGeLorix Sounds.
Also, if you want to use the music inside SmileBasic outside of SmileBasic, if there is the same song here as well, please give priority to the one of this site.

About arrangement

You can arrange our music without permission.
However, you must clearly indicate the title of the original music and the name of the composer.

About artworks

You can use the illustration as artwork if it's by Tatsukin. 

Otherwise, please follow these instructions

  • 1-Draw Roid (わんどろいど): Please follow the About the use of illustrations.

  • ryosios: Please follow the wording of his pixiv profile.

  • You can use it because we have received prior permission from the following users.

    • inw

    • Koori (氷)

    • Tatsukin Mysondol's brother

  • Others: Please contact individually.

If it's difficult to contact the person individually because you don't have contact information or the DM has been closed, please contact Tatsukin. I'll get confirmation here.

About publicity

This site is link-free.
You are free to promote our site and the music composed by Tatsukin.

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